The night was cold, freezing, the actual term! Windows shut, curtains too, wearing an overcoat and wrapped in a duvet, you grasped the steaming hot mug of chocolate beverage like your life depended on it.
Well, considering the conditions, I’d agree with you. If you had your way, it’d be an electric mug and it’ll still be plugged in. Thankfully, it gave you the heat, the warmth from within you desired.
It’s day break now, you wake up with a smile. You’re warm, you stretch, shedding the duvet and overcoat. You see rays of the sum fighting to get in. You rise, holding a curtain in each hand, you pull them apart simultaneously, letting the sun hit you with it’s full glory.
It’s the only window that gets direct sunlight in the mornings, and that’s ok by you. Others can do basic, but this was the window for you.
'Beautiful!' You exclaim.
You turned, letting the rays hit every side of you, you take it all in.
Satisfied you prance away, set to go about your day! 'Nothing like the morning sun' you say dancing to music in your head.
All windows open, curtains drawn, the light is in, the air too, but your doors stayed shut.
Latches, bars, locks. The works!
They weren't just to keep outsiders out, they also kept insiders in.
They keep you in!
To deny your struggle would be folly,
But to allow you wallow in them would be foolishness as well!
Come up for air human, come!
At your own pace, we can negotiate the terms, we need your sun too.
We crave us some you!
#MentalHealthAwarenessMonth #MayMentalHealthAwarenessMonth
#Mind #Feelings
#Therapy #Welness #Health #Healing
— Written May 23 2021
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Afloww de Glacė …Love loves you regardless!